What is the Alert Queue?
  • 09 Aug 2024
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What is the Alert Queue?

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Article summary

What is the Alert Queue?

Important Takeaways

  • The Alert Queue does not hold actual alerts.
  • When you select desired types of Trade Alerts, there are price conditions which go into your Alert Queue and wait for market conditions before signaling as Trade Alerts.
  • All Price Conditions added to your Alert Queue complement what is already in your Alert Queue; they do not replace them.
  • The price values you see in the Alert Queue are for the current week, and they will change from week to week.
  • You can only receive Trade Alerts for the conditions that are in your Alert Queue.
  • Every condition in your Alert Queue can be modified or deleted.
  • The Price Conditions in the Alert Queue can be mistaken for trade alerts themselves.
  • The Alert Queue as the place where you go to 'Manage Alerts,' and you would be correct. It is a queue where your selected Price Conditions wait for the right market conditions to send you a Trade Alert.

Manage Alerts: Puts You in Charge

We monitor many thousands of price conditions and send alerts on them when those conditions are in play. However, you would not want to receive an alert on every possible price condition that has a high likelihood of reaching its target. Why not? Because they don't fit your trading style. Some conditions do not match your preferred holding period. They might not involve the symbols you want to trade. Other conditions might not fit your risk profile – the moves might be big, but the probability might be too low. In some cases, the conditions might be best traded with instruments you don't use, such as a credit spread or an iron condor. The Alert Queue is designed to give you the flexibility to be alerted on the price conditions that are best for you and in the manner that you want to be notified.

QuantDirection is not a one-size-fits-all service, we are committed to give you the power to tailor the alerts that best fit your trading style in the manner you want to receive them. The Manage Alerts module is where we achieve this. When you select alerts either during your initial account setup or later on with the 'Add Alerts' module, you are selecting price conditions that will be alerted on at the right time. Until then, they reside in your Alert Queue, where you can customize where you receive them, or whether you receive them at all, or you may remove them entirely. When you add new Alerts, they don't replace the existing alerts in your Alert Queue but add any new Alerts you have requested that are not already there. This eliminates duplicates in your Alert Queue but regardless you will not receive duplicate alerts even if there are duplicates in your Alert Queue.

Customizing Alerts

Each price condition residing in the Alert Queue can be managed. There are three key functions: Search, Edit & Custom Add.

Search: Any individual price condition or group of conditions can be searched in the Alert Queue. At the top, there are various criteria that may be used, including symbol, percentage move size, trade period, condition number, Alert Status (active/inactive), and even Trade Type. To see what types of Alerts you are subscribed for use the search feature of the Alert Queue. When editing your queue start with search to get a good view on what you may not want.

Edit: You can modify the characteristics of how you want to be alerted for any price condition or group of conditions. You can make them inactive (no alerts sent). You can also change the notification for email or SMS or make the condition or group of conditions alertable for a specified period only (Calendar Alert). For example, you can have some conditions alert via email or SMS and others only on the Trade Alert Report. The characteristics that are applied to each price condition in the Alert Queue are default settings that are set under 'Alert Preferences'. After making changes click 'Update'.

Custom Add: You can modify any alert by editing it and also save it as a new alert, which keeps the existing alert in place the way it was. This can be useful for setting custom price alerts that you may want to put in place for a short period. For example, you can take an existing price condition and add a notification if the price goes above a certain level, but then after the alert, have it go inactive so you don't get that same price alert again. Use Custom Add when (1) setting a price alert; (2) Wanting a special notification on a certain price condition for a limited period of time. After making changes click on checkbox 'Save as a new Alert' and then click 'Update'

By understanding and effectively utilizing the Alert Queue, you can better tailor your alerts to fit your trading strategies and preferences, ensuring you receive the most relevant alerts sent to where you want to view them.

Learn More: How to manage Your Trade Alerts

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