Using Tools & Analytics Widgets in the Dashboard
  • 31 May 2023
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Using Tools & Analytics Widgets in the Dashboard

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Using Tools & Analytics Widgets in the Dashboard

Tools & Analytics located in the center of your dashboard present a variety of helpful tools in the following areas:

Navigation - Quick links from the Main Menu Widget to provide easy access to Blog, Current Market Price Levels, Search, Analytics & Alert Engines, and Support modules including Knowledge Base, Customer Support Ticketing & Forum.

Real-time Expected Move Tracking – A quick link from the Live Price Conditions Widget to see market price action in the three major indices relative to their current Weekly Expected Move and our Price Zones for the expected moves that we use to describe price conditions and track their behavior through or Patent Pending Price Mapping Process. Get more information on our proprietary Price Mapping method we use to define price conditions and track their behavior.

Analytics – Quick links to high level Analytics Widgets designed to help you define your strategies which can be followed by Price Condition Searches. Analytics represent generalized information by nature and should not be used in a tactical way. They are a guide to areas of opportunity which are further defined as tradeable opportunities with individual Price Conditions.

Main Menu Widget: Navigation is available on every page of the platform at the upper left side of the page banner. On the dashboard there is a different design scheme due to large number of items that may be accessed from the dashboard and the frequent use of the Dashboard. You can access the Navigation by clicking on the Main Menu Widget.

Expected Moves & Price Zones Widget: Price Conditions, represent all the various paths "price action" can take. Whenever we refer to a price condition, we are referring to a unique price behavior, that is tracked across all the indices. In the "Price Zone Levels chart", you can see the same expected move for the week, divided into seven price zones. These Price Zones are key to the identification and tracking of the Price Moves. Price Condition Descriptions refer to these Price Zones for describing their beginning and ending points. If the Price Condition frequently repeats, and the frequency is consistent over time, we say it has a high "correlation coefficient", and therefore a similarly high probability, of repeating in the future. We normalize these correlations to get to a probability level.

Analytics Widgets: A small subset of the dozens of analytics reports available through the Analytics Engine are available as widgets from the dashboard. These widgets are designed to provide quick access to high level reports available from the Analytics Engine. Each of the Widgets views a subset of the price conditions based on a key characteristic. These can be a good starting point for devising a strategy of the types of price conditions you may be interested in targeting. These reports can help you narrow your strategy, to specific categories, or Price Zones or Trade Periods, that align with your trading style. Widgets only using price conditions which have at least 20 events occurring during the five-year period.

The Widgets available on the dashboard are called Indices Rank, Top Categories, Top Price Zones, Top Trade Periods, Top Weekdays, Top Implied Volatility Levels, Top Time Frames, Top Price Moves, Top Probabilities by Year, Price Moves by Implied Volatility and Highest Count Categories. A more detailed discussion on each widget follows.

Indices Rank Widget: Here you can see overall aggregate probabilities of all price conditions mapped over five years by Indices. You can also select “View breakout by year” to see an annual comparison between the Indices.

Top Categories Widget: Displays the relative probabilities of all 26 categories across five years. S&P 500 is displayed by default. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the category probability comparisons for these Indices.

Top Price Zones Widget: Gives you an aggregate of the probability levels over time, by Price Zone. This provides a high-level view, of which Price Zones show the most consistent price move behavior. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the Price Zone comparisons for these Indices. Learn more about Price Zones definitions.

Top Trade Periods Widget: We can also look at price behavior by "Trade Periods". Trade periods can be as small as Intraday, One Day, Multi-Day, One Week or Multi-Week. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the Trade Period comparisons for these Indices.

Top Weekdays Widget: This Widget shows which weekdays on average have the highest probability price conditions. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the Weekday comparisons for these Indices.

Top Implied Volatility Levels Widget: This Widget displays average probabilities across all price conditions based on varying Implied Volatility Levels for each of the Indices. Implied Volatility is segmented from low to high (under 15, 16-20, 21-25, 26-30, over 30). You can specific any implied volatility level desired by using advanced search.

Top Time Frames Widget: Top Time Frames show you Price Conditions arranged by Trade Period and aggregate average price moves by number of Price Zones. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the Trade Period comparisons for these Indices

Top Price Moves Widget: Top Price Moves show you the average aggregate probabilities of price moves. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the Price Move comparisons for these Indices. Price Moves range from 0 (no Zone Move) up to 7 (7 Zones up from below Weekly Expected Move Zone 1 to above the Weekly Expected Move) and -7 (the reverse condition).

Top Probabilities by Year Widget: See how Price Category condition correlations have changed over time. Lower variation by year may indicate a more reliable correlation coefficient. Similarly you can get a high level view on how Probabilities are trending by Category.

Price Moves by Implied Volatility Widget: Shows the aggregate average price condition probability as expressed by its price move and measured across different volatility levels, over the past five years. S&P 500 is the default chart, but you can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the Trade Period comparisons for these Indices.

Highest Count Categories Widget: There is also a widget which shows which Categories have the highest number of events measured. Since correlation is more statistically reliable the larger the data sample, this is an attribute worth taking into consideration when considering your overall strategy. This Widget gives you a view of both the highest probability categories and those with the most event occurrences. You can click on links for Nasdaq 100 & Russell 2000 to see the event count comparisons by category for these Indices.

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