How to Manage Your Trade Alerts
  • 28 Nov 2023
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How to Manage Your Trade Alerts

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Article summary

How to Manage Your Trade Alerts

Use Manage Alerts to modify and single alert or groups of alerts. You can also create new custom alerts. All price conditions which you have selected are viewable and editable under 'Manage Alerts'.

Go to Manage Alerts by taking the following steps:

  1. Login to your dashboard
  2. From your dashboard select the large icon in the middle right called 'Alert Engine'
  3. Under 'Manage Alerts' you can view all of your alerts listed and you may sort them by date created or by Condition No. Each alert you receive will have a condition number which you may use to find and manage any individual alert.
  4. You may also search for any individual alert or group of alerts via the search bar above the listing of alerts. You can search by the following variables:
    1. Symbol (e.g. SPY, AAPL, SPX, ES, etc...)
    2. Condition No.
    3. Alert Status
      So if you no longer want an alert for say SPY Condition No 163 you can search SPY & Condition 163 to find that alert and then change the alert status.

Editing Alerts**
You can edit any individual alert or group of alerts.

Manage Alerts Indvidual Edit.png{height="200" width="350"}To edit an individual alert select the white checkbox next to the alert. Then click edit.

Manage Alerts Group Edit.png{height="" width=""}To edit a group of alerts select the white checkbox at the top bar. Then click edit.

From the edit dialog box you will have the following options:

  1. Alert Status: Turn (On/Off) any alerts selected under this edit
  2. Text Alert: Turn (On/Off) & modify phone number for any alerts selected under this edit
  3. Email Alert: Turn (On/Off) & modify email address for any alerts selected under this edit
  4. Alert Type: (Event Alert, Calendar Alert, GTC Alert) for any alerts selected under this edit. To learn more about Alert Types see article on 'How to Change Your Alert Preferences'
  5. Custom Alert Operator: To creade a new custom alert in addition to the existing alert including with new pricing triggers. To learn more about Custom Alerts see article on 'How to Set Custom Alerts'

Watch: How to Manage your Trade Alerts

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